The Prank Call




‘’hello’’ who’s this?’’

‘’hello I am you’re worst nightmare’’ boys giggling quietly in the background

‘’excuse me?’’ who is this? I demand you’re name’’

Boy’s laughter in the background. Says in a big scary whisper tone ‘’ I know your name Diana’’

‘’who is this? Seriously, tell me now or I’m calling the cops’’

‘’tonight will be your last sleep’’

….phone hangs up

Boy’s laughing so hard

‘’oh my god’’ I can’t believe she felt for that’’ drake laughed.

‘’you really think she did?’’ stop, stop please my stomach hurts already’’ Tyler screamed with laughter. ‘’oh my god’’ lets do this again’’ ha ha.

‘’you think she knew it was us? Peter whispered.

‘’not a clue’’ drake replied.

‘’Wait, wait this will be fun, why don’t you call Megan?’’ and scare the crap out of her’’ ha ha, Teased drake.


Phone rings…

Makes a spooky blowing sound huuuuuuuuuh… ‘’hello’’ says in a whispery dark way.

Seriously, a prank call at this hour? It’s like 12:13 am guys take a rest.

Makes the spooky blowing sound again huuuuuuuuuh, Blows and blows on the phone again. Wooooooo ‘’I come here to kill you’’

‘’okay stop it, really stop it’’ jerks’’

‘’tomorrow you wont make it to school because you will get hit by a car’’

‘’ Wooooooo’’ whispers softly ‘’prepare to die’’


… hangs up

Boy’s laughing so hard again

‘’ oh my god I think I’m going to throw up’’ drake giggled.

‘’oh shut up’’ she knew it was us’’ Tyler said anxiously

‘’cool down bro its not like we’re going to jail for this stuff’’ said peter.

The next day

Tyler, Peter and Drake woke up in the couches holding a can of Pepsi.

‘’dude, you spilled Pepsi all over my shirt man’’ said peter.

Drake laughs…

‘’ alright, alright let’s go we’re late for class’’

‘’you’re late’’ teacher says anxiously

The three boys sit down.

Teacher starts reading out names.

Linda? ‘’here’’

Marc? ‘’here’’

Jason? ‘’here’’

Diana? He calls her name again… Diana?

The three boys look at each other.

Alright, Mason? ‘’here’’

Megan? Teacher calls again…Megan?

The three boys look at each other again.

Tyler whispers to drake ‘’what the hell man’’

Peter does the ‘’what sign on he’s hand.

Police comes in and interrupt.

Excuse me teacher.

Mr. John Cloud.

‘’yes” what seems to be the problem here officer’’

‘’one of your students Diana and Megan we’re killed yesterday’’

The three boys looked at each other in a horrid way.

Tyler taps he’s feet up and down up and down.

Up and down up and down. Tyler was nervous.

The officers went outside to talk with Mr. John Cloud.

The three boys went near each other.

‘’what he hell just happened? Diana and Megan?

‘’chill, chill they must be just pranking us back’’ drake murmured.

‘’yeah I don’t think so’’

Tyler left he’s sit

‘’hey, hey where you going man’’ said drake.

‘’just, just…’’

Tyler went out to talk to one of the officers

‘’excuse me, what happen to them’’ Tyler spoke nervously.

One of the officers said ‘’ Diana died in her sleep and Megan had a car accident’’ do you know any of this sir?’’

‘’no, no’’ excuse me’’ Tyler ran and went inside he’s car

He called Drake ‘’Jesus Christ man, meet me at my car now’’ bring Peter with you’’


‘’ what the hell is going on here man?’’ drake shouted.

‘’they’re dead! Don’t you get it, they died!’’ Jesus Christ’’

‘’how’’ Tyler murmured with terror in he’s eyes.

Like how we said it in our stupid prank call.

‘’this can’t be happening’’ Tyler panicked.

‘’look guys, it must have been an accident’’ said drake.

an accident? That’s all you can say? Seriously?

‘’we made up a stupid prank call’’ that’s all we did! We didn’t kill them! ‘’ Jake said anxiously. ‘’that’s impossible’’ Peter almost bursting out to tears.

They drove off and went back home

Tyler was still worried, and mostly guilty

‘’but i did nothing, it was suppose to be a joke’’ Tyler whispered to himself.

The next day later the police went to both Diana’s and Megan’s house.

Diana’s friend was there ‘’she said she got a call’’ she spoke swiftly to the cops’’

‘’a call?’’ what call?

‘’a call a a call..’’ she couldn’t speak well she was very nervous

‘’hold up, Breath. Breath’’ there you go’’ now speak.

‘’yesterday me and Diana were having a sleep over but she got some call from a stranger, they said she would have her last sleep. First we thought it was a prank call but she never woke up’’ Diana’s friend Amanda cried.

The police headed out to see Diana’s and Megan’s last call

The number that came up was 100.123

And that number came from none other than Tyler’s house.

‘’knock knock’’ the police knocked

Tyler opened the door

‘’excuse me sir we need to speak a few words to you’’

Tyler got nervous again. Tap Tap he’s foot up and down up and down.

He’s hand sweaty and shaking. ‘’what is it?’’ why are you here?

‘’did you speak to Diana and Megan on the phone yesterday?’’

Tap tap he’s foot was going nuts.

‘’umm umm why? ‘’

‘’just answer the question sir’’

Well Tyler couldn’t lie to the police could he? Even if he would he would get caught anyways. ‘’yes I did’’ tap tap he’s foot crazy as ever. Tyler wanted to shut the door so bad. In Tyler’s eyes he was guilty and the police could see that. ‘’excuse me sir, I’m afraid to say you’re going down town with me’’ ‘’what for?’’ the tapping of foot finally stopped. And now Tyler so bad wanted to run away.

They arrived at the police station.

‘’take a seat’’ one of the officers said.

The detective opened he’s file case about Diana and threw it down the table.

‘’what time did you make you’re call to Diana?’’

‘’umm I don’t remember’’ tap tap he’s foot up and down up and down again.

‘’where were you at 12:00 am yesterday?’’

‘’uh at home…’’ tap tap he’s foot wouldn’t seem to stop.

The detective opened the file ‘’Yesterday Diana received a call about exactly on 12:00 am sharp and the call came from your house’’ do you have anything to say about this Tyler? Tap tap now he’s hand and body was shaking. Sweat sweat down he’s face. Drip drip. He was guilty. Tyler dammed he’s hands on the table and stood up ‘’I didn’t kill them’’ he screamed. ‘’them?’’ who is them Mr. Tyler’’

Tyler cried

‘’it was suppose to be a prank call’’

Tyler was taken to court and accused guilty.

Tyler was sent to jail.

A few weeks later Tyler got a call

‘’who is this?’’

‘’huuuuuuuuuh’’ the voice whispery murmured.

Tyler said ‘’Drake? Peter?’’ common stop it guys’’

But he saw drake and peter coming inside

Tyler put down the phone as fast as he can. He got scarred

He’s sweat dripping again. And tap, tap he’s foot went.

‘’hey man can we speak to Tyler?’’ drake said.

‘’no, tomorrow’’ it isn’t aloud this time of day’’ the guard gobbled.

The next day later

Tyler had a call from peter

‘’hey man, was that you who called me yesterday?’’ Tyler whispered.

‘’what? What call you talking about?’’ peter asked.

‘’never mind, what about drake did he call me yesterday?’’

‘’none not once’’ what’s wrong with you man? You ok?’’

‘’yeah I’m fine’’

The next day later Peter died by drowning in the river, Peter had he’s phone with him with a call saying ‘’you will drown, you will drown my boy’’.

One day later

Tyler had another call

The same call he had from before.


‘’you will….’’ Before the caller was able to even finish he’s sentence Tyler hang up.

Then on Tuesday drake called Tyler

‘’hey man you ok?’’

‘’yeah I’m doing better’’ Tyler yawned.

‘’Peter’s dead Tyler, he’s dead’’ with tears in Drake’s voice.


 ‘’what?’’ with shock in Tyler’s voice

‘’he drowned’’ and another thing, before he drown he got a call saying he would’’

Tyler whipped of he’s eyes.

‘’this is messed up man, messed up’’ Drake shouted.

‘’ok, ok drake I need you to listen. Do not answer the phone, ok?’’ Tyler warning he’s friend.

‘’yeah yeah I got it’’

On Tuesday night drake received a call

Beep, beep…

He’s cell ringing

‘’who is this?’’ Drake forgot about what Tyler told him

‘’watch your back boy’’ a scary man’s voice said.

Drake hangs up and looked behind him

There was nothing but when he looked back in front. A blade flew to he’s eyes

‘’aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah’’ drake screamed with terror.

He ran as fast as he can and took the blade out from he’s eyes.

He couldn’t see then he tripped over a rock and he’s face smashed in the saw machine. Drake tried to get out but while trying to escape he’s head ripped off.

Tyler’s mom came to him

‘’oh sweetie are you ok?

‘’no not really’’

‘’Drake’s dead…’’

‘’what’’ Tyler burst into tears

‘’mom what ever you do please just don’t answer any calls please’’ Tyler crying

Tyler’s mother Carissa held Tyler’s hand ‘’everything will be ok, don’t you worry’’

‘’mom just please, please don’t answer it’’

‘’look it will be ok, nothing is going to happen’’

Carissa leaves…

‘’moooooooom noooooooooooooo’’ Tyler shouted. But it was too late.

Later that day,

Carissa received a call

‘’hello, who is this’’

A sound of a knife running thru a board was heard.

‘aaah’’ Carissa dropped her phone.

While picking it up

The caller in the phone said ‘’it’s too late now, it’s too late now. Prepare to be eaten’’

‘’what’’ Carissa hang up and behind her she saw big scary dogs chasing after her. She ran as fast as she could. Run, run, she removed her high heels. She ran until there was no where else to ran. It was a wall! She couldn’t escape. It was all too late. The dogs came closer and closer and bit her. Everywhere, the dogs chewed of her face and her arms ripped off. The next morning Tyler went to eat breakfast in the cafeteria and saw the news in the television that he’s mother died ‘’nooooooooooooooo’’ Tyler ran and cried. Tyler bagged he’s head on the steal gate. ‘’bang, bang, bang’’ he didn’t care weather it hurt or not. He cried and cried. He screamed ‘’get me out of here’’ then bang, bang he kept banging he’s head until it became faster he couldn’t stop it even if he tried. ‘’help! Somebody help’’ he screamed. Bang, bang, faster and faster. Then he’s teeth fell off. Bang, bang faster, faster! Then he fell and never woke up again.


  1. wow... kewl, and gross, and creepy all at the same time!

  2. I got scared about the saw thingy..his face smashed and his head flew off...GROSS! >.<

  3. that was really good :)
