The Escape To Freedom

Once upon a time, there was two girls named Colette and Anna. They worked for Benjamin Franklin on a big ship writing newspapers. Colette spoke French and Anna spoke Latin.  ''Mouse!'' Colette screamed. ''Mouse?!'' Anna yelled. Suddenly a boat boy came in and stepped on the mouse. The girls continued writing. ''How many pages do you have left to write?'' Anna asked. ''Fifty-six.'' Colette answered. ''Girls! Go to bed!'' Benjamin called. The girls slept on hard lumpy mats. ''I hate how they treat us.'' Colette growled. ''Well how will we deal with it?'' Anna asked. ''Run away.'' Colette answered. ''What?'' Anna raised her voice. ''Quiet!'' Colette said as loud as she dared. ''Well are you coming?'' Anna looked up and saw Colette climbing onto the tall windowsill. ''Okay.'' Anna sighed.

When they finally got out the window Anna was exhausted. ''How can you climb that long?'' She puffed. ''In France I was a climber.'' Colette said proudly. Suddenly they heard a click of light switch inside and lights lit up the scene. ''What do we do now?'' Anna whispered. ''Jump.'' Colette said. ''Jump?! I can't swim!'' Anna screamed. ''Just close your eyes and jump. Gravity will do the rest.'' Colette answered urgently. ''Easy for you to say.'' Anna growled. Colette pushed Anna over the ledge as light burst through the door. ''Stop them!'' Benjamin yelled. But it was too late Colette and Anna were gone.

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand the point the story, is there a part two coming soon? If yes, i'll understand it! But I liked yours :)
